Dungeon Keeper Wiki

Elite Creatures are versions of creatures in Dungeon Keeper 2 which are marginally more powerful than the standard. In order to attract them to a dungeon, a player must build rooms in certain layouts specific to each type of Elite Creature. Elite Creatures also have a different appearance when compared to their normal counterparts. Elite Creatures are only available after installing patch v1.61.

Note: Despite the Elite Skeleton and Vampire being undead, they are still gained through the Portal with their own unique entrance as normal Skeletons and Vampires are gained through the Prison or Graveyard respectively. Also, there is no Elite Maiden of the Nest .

Each elite requires a combination of rooms to be built before they will enter your dungeon. All room combinations are in square areas and, with the exception of Zachariah, require 2 different types of room, making them fairly useless after the elite has arrived, with the exception of additional Lair and Treasury space. You can sell the rooms after the elite has arrived without consequences. As these combinations cover all rooms, it is better to build the combination first then remove or alter it to something more useful after the elite has arrived.

Elite creatures are normally only available in Skirmish, My Pet Dungeon, and multiplayer modes; the only ways to have an elite creature in Campaign mode are editing the Campaign maps and cheating to "transfer" one by editing the registry.


"We are honoured with the presence of a special creature in your ranks. A speedy Firefly known as Bzzt, he’s distinguished in appearance by his purple haze."
— The Mentor, Caverns

Firefly Elite - Bzzzt 2

Bzzzt is a Firefly Scout.


Bzzzt differs from other Fireflies in that it has a much darker body overall, in addition to having a glowing purple stinger, as opposed to the normal yellow one.

Room Order[]


Total Room size: 3x3 Tiles

Room 1: Hatchery2 Icon Medium Hatchery

Room 2: Lair icon Lair


Reflection of Grubb's combination; changing Lair to Hatchery and Hatchery to Lair. Like Grubb's, there is little value in keeping these rooms after Bzzt arrives.


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    text: 'Comparison (Level 1)'


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    type: 'category',

    data: ['Health', 'Speed', 'Damage', 'Pay']


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      name: 'Normal',

      type: 'bar',

      data: [100, 1.12, 13, 300]



      name: 'Elite',

      type: 'bar',

      data: [200, 1.12, 13, 450]




At each level, Bzzzt has twice as much health as normal Fireflies.


"Keeper, meet the Goblin known as Grub - he's got a flaming sword with which he can hurl fireballs."
— The Mentor, Rout

Goblin Elite - Grubb 2

Grubb is a Goblin Chieftain. Contrary to the Mentor's statement, he does not have a flaming sword, nor can he cast Fireball.


Unlike most goblins, Grubb has the common sense to wear pants, rather than a simple loincloth. In addition, he is armed with a golden shortsword and is decked out with a metal breastplate.

Room Order[]


Total Room Size; 3x3 Tiles

Room 1: Lair icon Lair

Room 2: Hatchery2 Icon Medium Hatchery


Reflection of Bzzzt's combination; changing Lair to Hatchery and Hatchery to Lair. Unless you need the extra Lair spaces, you might as well sell this combination after Grubb arrives.


  color: ['#808080', '#FFD700'],

  title: {

    text: 'Comparison (Level 1)'


  tooltip: {

    trigger: 'axis',

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    data: ['Normal', 'Elite']


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    type: 'value'


  yAxis: {

    type: 'category',

    data: ['Health', 'Speed', 'Damage', 'Pay']


  series: [


      name: 'Normal',

      type: 'bar',

      data: [150, 0.7, 17, 500]



      name: 'Elite',

      type: 'bar',

      data: [200, 0.7, 22, 750]





"Behold - a Warlock wise, whose name is Almeric. He’s born of ice, his speciality is all things cold. His spells will prove invaluable when cooling down your foes is your desire."
— The Mentor, Conversion

Warlock Elite - Almaric 2

Almeric is a Warlock Librarian. Contrary to the Mentor's description, his speciality, like the normal Warlock, is fire, not ice. However, 'cold' could be taken to mean fear, as the word is sometimes used to refer to characterisations of it.


Almeric, when compared to a regular Warlock, has several noticeable differences. First of all, his robes are a reddish-orange colour (as opposed to purplish-blue) and his robes have highlights of gold. His staff holds a glowing orange gem, and he has a long, white beard.

Room Order[]


Total Room size: 5x5 Tiles

Room 1: Lair icon Lair

Room 2: Library2 Icon Medium Library


The Library is worth keeping although you might want to replace the Lair pieces with more library pieces after Almeric has arrived.


  color: ['#808080', '#FFD700'],

  title: {

    text: 'Comparison (Level 1)'


  tooltip: {

    trigger: 'axis',

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      type: 'shadow'



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    feature: {

      dataView: { show: true, readOnly: true },

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  legend: {

    data: ['Normal', 'Elite']


  xAxis: {

    type: 'value'


  yAxis: {

    type: 'category',

    data: ['Health', 'Speed', 'Damage', 'Pay']


  series: [


      name: 'Normal',

      type: 'bar',

      data: [100, 0.6, 13, 600]



      name: 'Elite',

      type: 'bar',

      data: [100, 0.6, 15, 900]




Almeric is vastly superior to ordinary Warlocks in research (at just level 4, he's already exceeded a level 10 normal Warlock. At level 1, he's already better than a level 6 normal Warlock. In other words, he's so superior he's better than normal Warlocks five levels above him):


  color: ['#FFD700', '#808080'],

  title: {

    text: 'Research Points Per Second'


  tooltip: {

    trigger: 'axis'


  legend: {

    data: ['Elite', 'Normal']


  grid: {

    left: '3%',

    right: '4%',

    bottom: '3%',

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    feature: {

      dataView: { show: true, readOnly: true },

      restore: { show: true },

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    data: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10']


  yAxis: {

    type: 'value'


  series: [


      name: 'Elite',

      type: 'line',

      data: [18, 22.5, 31.5, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 99, 126]



      name: 'Normal',

      type: 'line',

      data: [5, 6.2, 8.75, 12.5, 15, 17.5, 20, 22.5, 27.5, 35]




He is, in fact, the very best researcher, superior to Wizards, who in turn are twice as good as normal Warlocks.

Knud the Mad[]

"Meet Knud the Mad, a famous Troll, prodigious in his work, but worse than all in temperament. Still, his toil bears fruits which balance his unpleasant moods."
— The Mentor, Storm/Crusade

Troll Elite - Knud 2

Knud is a Troll Craftsman.


Knud, at first glance, looks very similar to a regular troll. But if one looks closely, one sees that his skin is a lighter shade of green than regular Trolls. In addition, his body has several areas of brownish spots decorating it, looking like warts or a rash of some kind. He also has a piercing on each nipple (whereas regular Trolls have just one) and his hammer carries signs of rust.

Room Order[]


Total Room size: 5x5 Tiles

Room 1: Lair icon Lair

Room 2: Workshop2 Icon Medium Workshop


Same as Almeric's, replace the Lairs with Workshops after Knud has arrived.

Knud also appears in "Storm" and "Crusade".


  color: ['#808080', '#FFD700'],

  title: {

    text: 'Comparison (Level 1)'


  tooltip: {

    trigger: 'axis',

    axisPointer: {

      type: 'shadow'



  toolbox: {

    feature: {

      dataView: { show: true, readOnly: true },

      restore: { show: true },

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  legend: {

    data: ['Normal', 'Elite']


  xAxis: {

    type: 'value'


  yAxis: {

    type: 'category',

    data: ['Health', 'Speed', 'Damage', 'Pay']


  series: [


      name: 'Normal',

      type: 'bar',

      data: [100, 0.6, 13, 500]



      name: 'Elite',

      type: 'bar',

      data: [150, 0.6, 16, 750]




Knud is considerably superior to normal Trolls in manufacturing:


  color: ['#FFD700', '#808080'],

  title: {

    text: 'Manufacture Points Per Second'


  tooltip: {

    trigger: 'axis'


  legend: {

    data: ['Elite', 'Normal']


  grid: {

    left: '3%',

    right: '4%',

    bottom: '3%',

    containLabel: true


  toolbox: {

    feature: {

      dataView: { show: true, readOnly: true },

      restore: { show: true },

      saveAsImage: { show: true }



  xAxis: {

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    data: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10']


  yAxis: {

    type: 'value'


  series: [


      name: 'Elite',

      type: 'line',

      data: [150, 187.5, 262.5, 375, 450, 525, 600, 675, 825, 1050]



      name: 'Normal',

      type: 'line',

      data: [60, 75, 105, 150, 180, 210, 240, 270, 330, 420]





"Meet Zenobia, the Dark Elves' sharp-eyed Queen. Cruel and swift and ruthless, she'll serve your forces well."
— The Mentor, Brotherhood

Dark Elf Elite - Zenobia 2

Zenobia is a Dark Elf Sniper.


Zenobia is very similar to her regular cousins, but there are two distinct differences. First of all, her head isn't completely bald, and has a small patch of short blond hair. Secondly, she wears an armoured breastplate over her chest.

Room Order[]


Total Room size: 5x5 Tiles

Room 1: Training Room2 Icon Medium Training Room

Room 2: Guard Room Icon Medium Guard Room


The Training Room and Guard Room layout has little value after Zenobia has arrived, so unless you want more Dark Elves it might be more profitable to simply sell the whole lot afterwards.


  color: ['#808080', '#FFD700'],

  title: {

    text: 'Comparison (Level 1)'


  tooltip: {

    trigger: 'axis',

    axisPointer: {

      type: 'shadow'



  toolbox: {

    feature: {

      dataView: { show: true, readOnly: true },

      restore: { show: true },

      saveAsImage: { show: true }



  legend: {

    data: ['Normal', 'Elite']


  xAxis: {

    type: 'value'


  yAxis: {

    type: 'category',

    data: ['Health', 'Speed', 'Damage', 'Pay']


  series: [


      name: 'Normal',

      type: 'bar',

      data: [100, 0.7, 14, 600]



      name: 'Elite',

      type: 'bar',

      data: [100, 0.7, 21, 900]





"Keeper, pause for introduction to the special creature known as Bane. A bony Skeleton arisen from a smitten Lord. He keeps his former courage for he fights foes face to face. Alert and ready, Bane recovers fast when stunned so move him as you will from place to place."
— The Mentor, Scavenge

Skeleton Elite - Bane 2

Bane is a Skeleton Lord.


Bane differs from regular Skeletons that his bones look more yellow (as compared to white), as if he has been dead for a long time. He has two functioning eyeballs (as opposed to one) and carries an elaborate bronze shield. Finally, his head is ornamented with a crown, showing that Bane might have been royalty of some kind before his demise.

Room Order[]


Total Room size: 5x5 Tiles

Room 1: Treasury Icon Medium Treasury

Room 2: Prison2 Icon Medium Prison


The Prison and Treasury are both usable, so this combination is worth keeping unless you need a bigger Prison.

There's a rumour that Bane has a wage (unlike the other Skeletons) and therefore collects gold on paydays,[1][Note 1][2] but this is not the case (at least in version 1.7).[3]


  color: ['#808080', '#FFD700'],

  title: {

    text: 'Comparison (Level 1)'


  tooltip: {

    trigger: 'axis',

    axisPointer: {

      type: 'shadow'



  toolbox: {

    feature: {

      dataView: { show: true, readOnly: true },

      restore: { show: true },

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  legend: {

    data: ['Normal', 'Elite']


  xAxis: {

    type: 'value'


  yAxis: {

    type: 'category',

    data: ['Health', 'Speed', 'Damage', 'Pay']


  series: [


      name: 'Normal',

      type: 'bar',

      data: [150, 0.7, 28, 0]



      name: 'Elite',

      type: 'bar',

      data: [150, 0.7, 34, 0]





"Keeper, feast your eyes on Dominique - A Mistress most impressive in her talents, one who thrives on pain extreme inflicted and endured, distinguished in her striking regal white, she’s undisputed expert in the sinful pleasures of the night."
— The Mentor, Ambush

Mistress Elite - Dominique 2

Dominique is a Mistress of the Night.


Dominique wears a more revealing outfit when compared to a normal Mistress (which many might have thought to be an impossible feat!). Her outfit is composed of a silvery bikini along with thigh-high boots and long black gloves. In addition, the plume of hair on her head is purple, rather than red.

Room Order[]


Total Room size: 5x5 Tiles

Room 1: Prison2 Icon Medium Prison

Room 2: Torture Room2 Icon Medium Torture Chamber


If you kept the Prison from getting Bane then sell this one and fill the gaps with Torture Chamber to attract more normal Dark Mistresses.


  color: ['#808080', '#FFD700'],

  title: {

    text: 'Comparison (Level 1)'


  tooltip: {

    trigger: 'axis',

    axisPointer: {

      type: 'shadow'



  toolbox: {

    feature: {

      dataView: { show: true, readOnly: true },

      restore: { show: true },

      saveAsImage: { show: true }



  legend: {

    data: ['Normal', 'Elite']


  xAxis: {

    type: 'value'


  yAxis: {

    type: 'category',

    data: ['Health', 'Speed', 'Damage', 'Pay']


  series: [


      name: 'Normal',

      type: 'bar',

      data: [200, 0.7, 48, 600]



      name: 'Elite',

      type: 'bar',

      data: [225, 1, 70, 900]





"Behold amongst your minions, a Salamander of special might and unknown talents. He will serve you well in this land of fire."
— The Mentor, Carnage

Salamander Elite - Furnace 2

Furnace is a Salamander Bruiser.


Furnace can be differentiated from regular Salamanders thanks to the yellow and black markings running down the back of his entire body.

Room Order[]


Total Room size: 5x5 Tiles

Room 1: Lair icon Lair

Room 2: Training Room2 Icon Medium Training Room


Same as Almeric's, replace the Lairs with Training Room after Furnace has arrived.


  color: ['#808080', '#FFD700'],

  title: {

    text: 'Comparison (Level 1)'


  tooltip: {

    trigger: 'axis',

    axisPointer: {

      type: 'shadow'



  toolbox: {

    feature: {

      dataView: { show: true, readOnly: true },

      restore: { show: true },

      saveAsImage: { show: true }



  legend: {

    data: ['Normal', 'Elite']


  xAxis: {

    type: 'value'


  yAxis: {

    type: 'category',

    data: ['Health', 'Speed', 'Damage', 'Pay']


  series: [


      name: 'Normal',

      type: 'bar',

      data: [150, 0.6, 20, 500]



      name: 'Elite',

      type: 'bar',

      data: [275, 0.6, 20, 750]





"Meet Gervaise, a rogue of considerable prowess. Make him welcome and he will doubtless bring his skills to bear on your enemies."
— The Mentor, Reap

Rogue Elite - Gervaise 2

Gervaise is a Rogue Assassin.


Gervaise is easily spotted in a throng of Rogues. Unlike regular Rogues he wears a face-covering black mask, and wears a black breastplate with matching dark pants. In addition, he has blueish sleeves on his arms.

Room Order[]


Total Room size: 5x5 Tiles

Room 1: Treasury Icon Medium Treasury

Room 2: Casino Icon Medium Casino


A Treasury is one of a few rooms worth keeping as a single square but if you need a bigger Casino, sell and replace after Gervaise arrives.


  color: ['#808080', '#FFD700'],

  title: {

    text: 'Comparison (Level 1)'


  tooltip: {

    trigger: 'axis',

    axisPointer: {

      type: 'shadow'



  toolbox: {

    feature: {

      dataView: { show: true, readOnly: true },

      restore: { show: true },

      saveAsImage: { show: true }



  legend: {

    data: ['Normal', 'Elite']


  xAxis: {

    type: 'value'


  yAxis: {

    type: 'category',

    data: ['Health', 'Speed', 'Damage', 'Pay']


  series: [


      name: 'Normal',

      type: 'bar',

      data: [165, 0.7, 40, 650]



      name: 'Elite',

      type: 'bar',

      data: [200, 0.7, 60, 975]





Bile Demon Elite - Bloz 2

Bloz is a Bile Demon Master.


Unlike regular Bile Demons, Bloz' horns grow darker and darker in colour the further away they are from his head. In addition, the flails hanging from his horns are a golden colour. Lastly, Bloz' eyes are reddish-orange in colour.

Room Order[]


Total Room size: 7x7 Tiles

Room 1: Hatchery2 Icon Medium Hatchery

Room 2: Workshop2 Icon Medium Workshop


The Hatchery will be big enough to attract normal Bile Demons although the Workshop has little value.


  color: ['#808080', '#FFD700'],

  title: {

    text: 'Comparison (Level 1)'


  tooltip: {

    trigger: 'axis',

    axisPointer: {

      type: 'shadow'



  toolbox: {

    feature: {

      dataView: { show: true, readOnly: true },

      restore: { show: true },

      saveAsImage: { show: true }



  legend: {

    data: ['Normal', 'Elite']


  xAxis: {

    type: 'value'


  yAxis: {

    type: 'category',

    data: ['Health', 'Speed', 'Damage', 'Pay']


  series: [


      name: 'Normal',

      type: 'bar',

      data: [600, 0.4, 53, 600]



      name: 'Elite',

      type: 'bar',

      data: [600, 0.4, 53, 900]




Kessler van Doom[]

"And now there walks among your forces, a veritable prince of the undead. His name is Kessler van Doom. His range of spells extended past the norm of his dark brethren. Specialising as he does in Necromancy. Use him well."
— The Mentor, Creep

Vampire Elite - Kessler Van Doom 2

Kessler van Doom is a Vampire Necromancer.


Kessler van Doom's attire makes him easy to pick out among other Vampires; his robes are a deep purple in colour with red highlights, as opposed to the usual black favoured by most Vampires. In addition, Kessler van Doom has thin, black hair on the top of his head, which is unique among Vampires.

Room Order[]


Total Room size: 7x7 Tiles

Room 1: Library2 Icon Medium Library

Room 2: Graveyard2 Icon Medium Graveyard


If you already have a Library from Almeric, then it might be wise to change this room into a full Graveyard after Kessler arrives.


  color: ['#808080', '#FFD700'],

  title: {

    text: 'Comparison (Level 1)'


  tooltip: {

    trigger: 'axis',

    axisPointer: {

      type: 'shadow'



  toolbox: {

    feature: {

      dataView: { show: true, readOnly: true },

      restore: { show: true },

      saveAsImage: { show: true }



  legend: {

    data: ['Normal', 'Elite']


  xAxis: {

    type: 'value'


  yAxis: {

    type: 'category',

    data: ['Health', 'Speed', 'Damage', 'Pay']


  series: [


      name: 'Normal',

      type: 'bar',

      data: [250, 0.7, 67, 750]



      name: 'Elite',

      type: 'bar',

      data: [500, 0.7, 67, 1075]





  color: ['#FFD700', '#808080'],

  title: {

    text: 'Research Points Per Second'


  tooltip: {

    trigger: 'axis'


  legend: {

    data: ['Elite', 'Normal']


  grid: {

    left: '3%',

    right: '4%',

    bottom: '3%',

    containLabel: true


  toolbox: {

    feature: {

      dataView: { show: true, readOnly: true },

      restore: { show: true },

      saveAsImage: { show: true }



  xAxis: {

    type: 'category',

    boundaryGap: false,

    data: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10']


  yAxis: {

    type: 'value'


  series: [


      name: 'Elite',

      type: 'line',

      data: [15, 18.75, 26.25, 37.5, 45, 52.5, 60, 67.5, 82.5, 105]



      name: 'Normal',

      type: 'line',

      data: [5, 6.25, 8.75, 12.5, 15, 17.5, 20, 22.5, 27.5, 35]




Kessler van Doom is, along with Zachariah, the joint-second-best researcher, their only superior being Almeric.


"Now here’s a find. The Black Knight Kaleb joins your cause. He’s hard as nails and now he will be yours!"
— The Mentor, Interception

Black Knight Elite - Kaleb 2

Kaleb is a Black Knight Commander.


Kaleb differs from regular Black Knights in one aspect only; the colour of his armour. As opposed to the usual black, Kaleb's armour is painted a purplish-blue colour.

Room Order[]


Total Room size: 7x7 Tiles

Room 1: Training Room2 Icon Medium Training Room

Room 2: Combat Pit Icon Medium Combat Pit


The Training Room is worthless as it is, and if you kept the one from Furnace then sell it and build a bigger Combat Pit.


  color: ['#808080', '#FFD700'],

  title: {

    text: 'Comparison (Level 1)'


  tooltip: {

    trigger: 'axis',

    axisPointer: {

      type: 'shadow'



  toolbox: {

    feature: {

      dataView: { show: true, readOnly: true },

      restore: { show: true },

      saveAsImage: { show: true }



  legend: {

    data: ['Normal', 'Elite']


  xAxis: {

    type: 'value'


  yAxis: {

    type: 'category',

    data: ['Health', 'Speed', 'Damage', 'Pay']


  series: [


      name: 'Normal',

      type: 'bar',

      data: [400, 0.5, 40, 750]



      name: 'Elite',

      type: 'bar',

      data: [400, 0.6, 60, 1075]





"Behold the mighty Zachariah, champion among Dark Angels. Treat him well and he could prove to be a most beneficial ally."
— The Mentor, Regicide

Dark Angel Elite - Zachariah 2

Zachariah is a Dark Angel Hierophant.


Zachariah, when compared to a common Dark Angel, has several noticeable features that stick out. First of all, his head seems to have a black beak in place of his mouth, and he wears a metal breastplate. In addition, the belt around his waist has a golden colour, and his wings are darker than a regular Dark Angel's wings.

Room Order[]


Total Room size: 7x7 Tiles

Room 1: Treasury Icon Medium Treasury

Room 2: Lair icon Lair

Room 3: Training Room2 Icon Medium Training Room

Room 4: Torture Room2 Icon Medium Torture Chamber

Room 5: Temple2 Icon Medium Unholy Temple


Zachariah's room requires a combination of rooms that have no other value afterwards, except the Temple. However, selling the rooms around the edge and expanding the Temple will not lead to additional normal Dark Angels entering your Dungeon. If anything, the Training Room, Torture Chamber and Lair should be sold and replaced with a Treasury as it would probably be more useful.

Zachariah has the strongest mêlée attack in the game, stronger even than King Reginald's. He is also, along with Kessler van Doom, the joint-second-best researcher (superior even to Wizards), their only superior being Almeric.


  color: ['#808080', '#FFD700'],

  title: {

    text: 'Comparison (Level 1)'


  tooltip: {

    trigger: 'axis',

    axisPointer: {

      type: 'shadow'



  toolbox: {

    feature: {

      dataView: { show: true, readOnly: true },

      restore: { show: true },

      saveAsImage: { show: true }



  legend: {

    data: ['Normal', 'Elite']


  xAxis: {

    type: 'value'


  yAxis: {

    type: 'category',

    data: ['Health', 'Speed', 'Damage', 'Pay']


  series: [


      name: 'Normal',

      type: 'bar',

      data: [300, 0.7, 84, 750]



      name: 'Elite',

      type: 'bar',

      data: [800, 0.7, 100, 1075]






  1. this seems to be the base for this page