Dungeon Keeper Wiki

Clicking this button will enter query mode.

In Dungeon Keeper, the Query tool is for use on creatures. It is accessed by clicking the question mark button on the Information Panel. Once a creature is Queried, the screen stays locked onto it as it moves about. Information on the individual is displayed across separate panels that can be cycled through. Dungeon Keeper's in-game help and manual are known to have a lot of inaccurate descriptions for items displayed by this tool; see notes on certain entries below. In KeeperFX, the inaccuracies have been cleared up, and the Query screen has been extended with additional information.

More information can be found on the creatures page. Hovering help-text will appear over most features without the use of this tool.

Query Stats
Graphic Stat Description
Anger Bar A sliding scale of the creature's anger level.
Experience and Level Imposed over a bar indicating the creature's progress towards achieving the next level-up. Every level over 1 will increase most of the creature's other stats by 35%. This includes spell strength and the ability to perform jobs such as researching or manufacturing.
Name and Health The name is imposed over the health bar. The numeric health total isn't displayed with Query. Names are generated using a seed (based on creature index, blood type and the creation turn)[Citation needed], for example, Eversmile's starting Imps will always have the same names (and blood types).
Dungeon Keeper Weapon Query
Weapons Weapon swings and spells currently known to the creature are displayed in the first tabs. There can be up to ten of them. The numbers correspond with the keys for readying the skill while possessing the creature.  At the very least, there will be some kind of basic creature spell in slot #1, usually the Hand to Hand swing, ready for use.
Creature Kills How many enemies the creature has killed.
Gold held
Gold Held The quantity of gold the creature has on him/her. Payday wages do not add to this figure. This gold gets dropped if the creature is killed, leaves through a Portal or is transferred.
Defence Contrary to the manual, this is not "The chance a creature will avoid a blow."; it is actually an armour-thickness rating that will reduce all incoming damage as a fraction of 255. Note that "Defence" is capped at 204(~80% damage reduction). In Dungeon Keeper FX, this stat is renamed to 'Armour', and 'Defence' is indeed the chance of avoiding a blow.
Age/Time in Dungeon The length of time the creature has been in your dungeon.
Luck The probability of dealing double damage or having double defence.

Specifically, this number is the probability, as a fraction of 255, that a creature will do a double attack/cast or make two defensive Skill rolls (see below). Melee attacks and defensive rolls are still not guaranteed to work.

Strength The quantity of damage inflicted. This is understood to be the exact health damage inflicted per swing. It is mitigated by the damage reduction score, Defence (above), and possibly negated by the defensive roll.
Wage The quantity of gold the creature collects on payday.
Skill Despite what the manual says, this value has nothing to do with tasks. Research, Manufacturing, Scavenging, and Training Skill have their own respective values. In melee, a defender makes a Skill roll opposing the swinger's Dexterity; if the roll succeeds, the attack is dodged.

In KeeperFX this stat has been renamed to 'Defence', and has the icon for the Dexterity stat.

Dexterity Despite what the maual says, traps cannot be dodged. This attribute appears to determine the creature's chance of striking a target in melee combat, not avoiding a swing, and it opposes the target's Skill.

In KeeperFX this stat has the icon for the Skill stat.

Blood type Supposedly just an aesthetic feature intended for a Japanese audience[Citation needed], the game includes several humorous blood types. From the manual: "You, as Dungeon Keeper, must know your creatures if you are to command them effectively. Being aware of a creature’s blood type gives you greater power of them. Apart from this, it does nothing."

The possible blood types in the game are the following:

  • ARh+
  • O-
  • MoO+
  • BA
  • PoE
  • BO
  • IkI
  • C++
  • AB-
  • IgG
  • RhoD
  • A-
  • A+
  • ABO
  • B+